Kerry Barnes

8108 Oak Briar Way · Castle Pines, CO 80108 · (720) 318-4016 ·

Experienced Java developer specializing in back-end and web services, but my experience has covered everything from IBM Systems Programmer to working in the dot-com arena. I have experience from J2EE distributed systems, Apache Camel Service Buses, JAXRS and JAXWS webservices, XML.XPath and JSon data structures processing, JMS Messaging, User interfaces of HTML, Java Swing and Java FX


Principal Software Engineer, Duties included:

  • Developing Kotlin and Spring/Spring Boot modules in support of the Fleet Level Situation Awareness Toolkit (ACEFLT)
  • Working with realtime telemetry storage and display of telemetry data
  • Retrieving and incorporating both meta data and telemetry data using GMSEC and REDIS Bus' as well as proprietary connections
  • Archiving and retrieval of data from BlueStaq's Unified Data Library (UDL)

  • Working on a rule management web portal utilizing a dockerized python flask application

Consultant attached to a Raytheon program. Duties include:

  • Updating and creating new modules in Java.
  • Updating database tables and data utilizing a proprietary Database update tool. Also using a combination of Perl, Python, Unix Shell scripting, XML and a little XSLT

SOA integration engineer, Duties included:

  • Designing and maintaining SOAP based web service interfaces between the HTML front-end client and the backend application servers through the IBM Datapower Gateway appliance
  • JAXWS/B Customizations of the generated WSDL interfaces to simplify usage by other programers
  • Implementation of web service interfaces using Apache Camel and integration patterns
  • Maintenance of distibuted cache implemented using Hazelcast
  • Development and maintenance of dynamic OSGI plugins

Duties included:

  • Developing sample web services clients for existing users with the JAX-WS framework
  • Maintaining existing web clients utilizing EXTJS
  • R&D demonstration of a mini-cloud using the Apache Accumilo software

Duties included:

  • Created incremental transition plan/design to transform a Legacy C/C++ - Motif application to a Web 2.0 deployable product, avoiding a fork-lift approach and allowing a more agile approach with the lack of hard requirements
  • Designed/implemented a message bus to allow communications between the C/C++ application and the Web Framework utilizing ActiveMQ for C/C++ applications and the Java backend components and a COMET implementation for the web components
  • Re-engineered persisted objects to utilize a standard JPA implementation (Hibernate)
  • Created backend processing services utilizing JAX-WS for WSDL services and Spring Framework for RESTful services capable of replying in either XML or JSON data formats by using JAXB and Jersey
  • Web front end using ExtJS framework and AJAX and COMET technologies to create an interactive front end using the client’s web browser, reducing the heavy client hardware requirements by moving the heavy lifting to the backend services residing on the clustered servers

Duties included:

  • Assisted clients with the upgrade of older BEA products to the newer Oracle products
  • Helped multiple clients troubleshoot performance issues
  • Re-engineered persisted objects to utilize a standard JPA implementation (Hibernate)
  • Setup automated installation routines for clients utilizing the Weblogic Scripting tool

Duties included:

  • Developed transactional JMS message processing system used to break data processing into smaller transactions to help scalability as load increased
  • Developed WSDL based data retrieval subsystem, that allowed geographically separated systems to retrieved remote data on demand
  • Developed system wide notification subsystem used to route XML messages to different services both locally and to geographically separated locations
  • Developed certificate management interface using X.509 PKI Certificates to authenticate user requests locally and to legacy applications
  • Developed generic web service wrapper to support legacy XML based systems as WSDL services

Duties included:

  • Designed J2EE interfaces supporting the Data Transfer Object (DTO) design pattern to simplify data transmission between the client GUI application (Swing) and the back-end application server (BEA Weblogic)
  • Business layer routing between J2EE business logic (BEA Weblogic) and external Web services using AXIS and JAX-RPC

Duties included:

  • Assisted client with the development of a Java stand alone application (Swing) used to manipulate database values and display those values on a proprietary Raytheon Mapping client

Duties included:

  • Responsible for development and testing of the rule based engine that retrieved ticket prices as well as handling sales. This engine also determined possible dynamic cross-sales based on current search/purchases
  • Re-engineered the interstitial wait page to be reflective of the actual search time, instead of the previous version which polled at fixed intervals to check for search results

Duties included:

  • Architect and lead developer for the central messaging system of the ExoBrain service, converting from the preexisting proprietary implementation to one based on Message Oriented Middleware (MOM)

Java and OOAD instructor for the Community College

  • Instructed classes on beginning java (J2SE), Enterprise Java (J2EE), and Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD)

Retired with an Honorable Discharge

  • During my 20 years of service I worked on everything form IBM Assembler (370), C/C++ and finally Java. It provided the base training and experience I continue to leverage today


Bellevue University

Bachelor of Science
Management of Information Systems

GPA: 3.902

January 2013

Community College of the Air Force

Associates of Applied Science
Computer Science Technology
January 2002